Tara's Experience



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"It all started in November 2023 with an eye twitch, so I went to my eye doctor. He said he thought I had hemifacial spasm, and I had no idea what that was. He told me the only thing that could calm the nerve was Botox, so in February 2024, they gave me 4-5 shots. My eye kept twitching, so I had to wait 4 months before they doubled the dosage and gave me 8 shots. That was too much--for the next 3 months, my eye couldn't close. Next, I tried the acupuncture route, but it also didn't work. 

It started off as an eye twitch, but then my whole face was doing it. It didn't hurt; it was just annoying—I couldn't read, and it was hard to watch TV. I'm a go-getter; I like to go out a lot and to take many pictures, but I felt embarrassed to be around other people with my face jumping. I was really self-conscious and didn't want others staring at me.  Who wants to live like that? I started doing research and found Dr. Sekula's practice. I called to make an appointment, he sent me for an MRI, and the rest is history. He fixed it!

A year later, everything is fine. I'm dancing, I'm doing everything again. It's like I got my life back. Dr. Sekula cured me. He's the best--a miracle worker."

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