Traveling to New York, NY for Neurosurgery

Book preferred hotels near Columbia through our portal, simplifying visits to loved ones in New York City.

When a loved one is undergoing a medical procedure, finding a convenient and affordable place to stay nearby should be the least of your concerns. That's why we've negotiated special rates with seven Preferred Hotels located near The Neurological Institute of New York. Whether you're a patient's family member, a friend, or other visitor, our Columbia Visitors & Personal Travel portal is here to simplify your stay. With just a few clicks, you can book a room at a preferred rate, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – being there for those you care about.

Here is the link to our negotiated rates at our seven Preferred Hotels, including the Edge and the Radio Hotel in Washington Heights. Preferred rates are being extended by the hotels to a diverse range of visitors, which includes clients, contractors, students and their relatives, faculty members, patients, and their family members, as well as Columbia alumni.

To make the booking process easier for visitors, patients, or their family members whose stays are not being paid for by Columbia, we have set up the Columbia Visitors & Personal Travel portal. Through this portal, travelers can access the negotiated rates and book their rooms using the visitor's online booking tool. New to our preferred program this year is the Radio Hotel in Washington Heights, which is conveniently located near the Medical Center.

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