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"In June 2023, I was diagnosed with a moderate-sized meningioma and was referred to Dr. McKhann for neurosurgical opinion. Dr. McKhann recommended a surgical resection of the tumor and discussed with me different surgical approaches including the traditional craniotomy via a hairline incision versus an eyebrow incision. He explained to me that the eyebrow incision would be the minimally invasive approach for the anatomy of this particular tumor and this approach would have a much smaller cosmetic impact. Dr. McKhann recommended his colleague, Dr. Raymond Sekula, to carry out the surgery together. 
I have met with Dr. Sekula prior to my surgery. He has reviewed my MRI scans with me and discussed the approach through an eyebrow incision. Dr. Sekula has answered all my questions, and his knowledge and his professional and very calm demeanor made me feel very comfortable about the upcoming surgery.
I had a very successful surgery in October 2023. Of course, first and foremost, I feel very lucky and am most grateful to both Dr. Sekula and Dr. McKhann for the complete removal of the tumor, and that I had no complications during or after the surgical procedure and did not require any follow up treatments. But the fact that Dr. Sekula’s skillful approach left hardly any visual trace after this major surgery, is truly amazing. Not a single person I have met who was not aware of my surgery had noticed my scar and honestly, thanks to Dr. Sekula, I myself do not have any visual reminder about the surgery when I look in the mirror every day. I continue to live my life as if meningioma has never happened to me. I am forever grateful to Dr. Sekula and would wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone who may find themselves in a similar situation to mine!"
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